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NOMS Active Health




Our clinic offers wellness packages that include exercise sessions with skilled professionals and nutritional education to promote a healthy lifestyle. We have created an 8-week or 12-week program that can be purchased based on your goals.
8 WEEK or 12 WEEK weight loss and toning program:
  • Body fat assessment and measurements before and after
  • Two 45-minute personal training sessions weekly
  • Two AllCore360 sessions weekly
  • Nutrition log assessment and assistance with meal planning


Dry needling, a specialized therapeutic technique offered at our clinic, involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into trigger points within muscles, tendons, or connective tissues. This minimally invasive procedure is designed to release tension, alleviate pain, and improve range of motion by targeting tight knots or spasms. Our licensed therapist, accredited in dry needling, precisely locates and treats these trigger points, providing patients with relief from musculoskeletal issues.

Experience the benefits of dry needling as part of our comprehensive approach to enhancing your overall well-being.


Shockwave therapy (ESWT) is an innovative and non-invasive medical procedure offered at our clinic to address a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. This treatment utilizes acoustic waves to stimulate healing and promote tissue regeneration in targeted areas of the body. ESWT has shown remarkable effectiveness in managing conditions such as tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. Our team of skilled professionals utilizes this state-of-the-art shockwave technology to provide patients with a safe and efficient solution for alleviating pain and improving overall function.


The All Core 360 trains all of the body’s core muscles in a low impact way that is appropriate for all levels of fitness and ability. Our packages offer you an opportunity ride the All Core 360 machine for 10 minutes per session to improve your whole body wellness. Additional packages are available that include other therapeutic services to help you feel your best. 


Our clinic offers therapeutic services to help you feel your best. These services include graston massage, lumbar and cervical traction, and private gym packages. These packages can be purchased individually or in addition to our Wellness or All Core packages. These packages never expire and can be utilized whenever you feel necessary.


An initial evaluation and following treatment sessions with a skilled professional to address injuries, pain, discomfort, or unsteadiness. 



  1. 7770 Brecksville Rd, Suite 3
    Brecksville, OH 44141

    Phone: 440.630.9263
    Fax: 440.630.9058

    Get Directions

“In her work, Nikki seems to occupy that space where art meets science.  She is in the company of health practitioners whose impressive clinical skills are expressed with a comparably sophisticated human touch.”

Jack, Patient